In case the few of you that come here was wondering why I've been quiet for the past few days, I was enjoying myself in Las Vegas over the long weekend XD (yea, one would think I'd mention something like that)
No I did not marry a hooker while intoxicated
No I did not become a millionare unfortunately. I think altogether I was set back 20 bucks in U.S dollars, which is not too bad. I certainly could have done much worse.
It was actually a very inspiring place to be as an artist, which was surprising to me. If the sheer scale and grandness of things that they've built over there won't do it for ya, at least the endless stream of hot girls in skimpy dresses will ;)
Not sure why I took picture of that old rag as soon as I got back. I reached for a shirt in my drawer and that's the one I grabbed. Brings back memories (some pleasant some not so pleasant)
Thankfully for those looking at it from their computer can't tell how dirty and smelly it has gotten over the years